End of the Spear

I love true stories. End of the Spear is one of those challenging stories of the life and legacy of Jim Elliot, a missionary to the savage village in Ecuador.  Wanting these people to know the gospel, he and his four friends spent time building a relationship with the Huaorani people and eventually set up a small camp outside the village some distance away. The tribe turned on them, brutally killing them all.

Elizabeth Elliot (newlywed to Jim along with an infant child) eventually learned the language and lived among the tribe for a few years. Elizabeth mentored one of the tribe’s women, Dayuma,  teaching her the Bible, who then became a huge influence for her tribe. Elizabeth later on in life went on to become a national speaker and writer.

This movie was amazing! How difficult it must have been to forgive a tribe that killed her husband! This story is laced with the power of forgiveness and redemption, and the struggle between self and self-less.  It’s the story of God’s unconditional and reckless love for the most unworthy: “But God demonstrates His own love for us, while we were still sinners, Christ died for the unrighteous.” Romans 5:8

Go see this film.

“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.”
― Jim Elliot

God’s NOT Dead

A movie came out this spring called, “God’s not Dead”. I’m not going to lie, I’m a bit apprehensive when a Christian film comes out. Whether it be the skill level of the actors, the cheesy plotline or even “Christianese”- the language Christians use that is not modern day vernacular- drive me nuts.

On the positive: I will say that Christian films are getting better.

I know this may offend some: there was definite “cheeseball” parts to it. However, I really enjoyed the debating within the movie and digging into some of the cultural aspects of the Muslim community: The father beating and disowning his daughter for believing in Jesus was such a powerful scene. She had no where to go but could not deny her faith in Christ. What a challenge! I know there are many people of the Muslim community that are coming to Christ and face the same consequences. It reminds me of the Rifqa Bary story a few years back who feared her life after converting from Islamic faith which made national news with the battle of custody between the State and  her parents.

In the film, the professor states that some of the biggest atheists were once Christians (which is true of Richard Dawkins, one of the most prominent atheist today); “How can we continue to believe in a good God who allows such evil to prevail?” to which freshmen pre-law student responds, “Free will.”  The professor admitted that he hated God for letting his mother die of cancer when he was 12. “She believed His ways were higher than our ways and still He took her after choking her with suffering.”

“If God does not exist, then everything is permissable.”(Dostoevsky) the students points out, “there are no moral absolutes.”    Uh, I could go on forever about this one…

Probably one of my favorite parts of the film was the scene with Willie and Kori Robertson, (famous for their reality show, Duck Dynasty), because they were so laid back and honest- no acting necessary! When being interviewed by an aggressive reporter, stated that they weren’t trying to offend anyone, they just believe what the Bible says is true. I can feel the culture shift in the last few years even more intensely against Christians. We’re not trying to offend people, just love on people and give them truth at the same time. It seems as if people don’t want to hear anything but what agrees with them, and cry “foul” if it doesn’t.

As the credits rolled, there were listings of all the court cases of universities and abroad over the “God debate”.  I know that the regulations against free speech are getting tighter and hostilities are increasing.  But in the end, I know God is in control. And my life is totally and completely in His hands. I can trust Him because I know Him, even in hard times. Can’t debate that.

I thought it was a good film. Go see it.